-The day of the elections have started and already I hear stories of problems at the polls. Ranging from a lack of voting machines at predominantly black areas to black panthers trying to intimidate. people into voting for Obama. Hopefully this doesn't continue.
- As the numbers are coming in I've chosen to watch Fox News for results, it makes the night slightly more interesting.
-It's now official, Barack Obama is now our 44th president. As he gives his acceptance speech I see Jesse Jackson in the crowd crying. It instantly hits me why he feels this great deal of emotion. He had to witness years of discrimination, and was around to witness Rosa Parks sit on the bus, was there when Mrtin Luther King had the million march and unfortunately was around to witness the murder of MLK. However he is now around to see MLK's dream come true, no longer can race be considered an excuse for anything. Obama has proudly made history and It feels good to be witness tis point in American History.
Update: It's the day after the elections and i'm disgusted by some of the reactions to the news of Obama being our future president. Coming from the north I hear many misconceptions and steroetypes about the south. Since I've gotten here I've been proven wrong about these steretypes however this election has brought out the worst in people. It's sad that people don't realize how much of a historic moment this is and would go as far as saying he's soon to be assassinated. It's ignorant people like you who have kept our country from progressing as a whole and to put it quite simple, your ideals aren't too far from the neo-nazis.