Since I have started this blog many things have changed. Not necessarily towards bettering the climate, but the way i analyze the situation. I originally saw this as a clear one sided argument and therefore i found it difficult to be unbiased. However after researching through several sites, and from countless comments i have received my viewpoints have drastically changed.
I'm very fortunate to be in the midst of a presidential election. It's allowed for me to get a great deal of info conserving the environment not only from both political parties but from right and left wing blogs as well. I knew nothing of Obama nor McCains energy plan. However how many people in America can trully say they did considering the dismal attention the topic gets. I am much more informed and considering our economic situation I can make a much more informed decision as to what would be best for our us to do in order to help the environment. I felt that through the use of cleaner cars and a reduction in the use of fossil fuels we could simply solve the problem. However it's not something thats plausible considering our situation and cleaner cars only put a small dent in fixing the situation.
What's also interesting about this blog is the freedoms as well as limitations which i must adhere by. My personal blog allowed me to publish whatever i chose to publish. However as a respectful and concerned citizens i was limited to only posting the facts. On a bigger scale my limitations came from proposed plans for the environment by the candidates. Both candidates have plans with results coming in around 2050, so no time soon would i be able to witness the results. Even with this constraint, more constraint comes from the fact that climate change is not a prime issue.
Initially i was in a large state of confusion over what direction to take this blog. However the state of the nation and a large dependence on fossil fuels has led me to believe we need to take a less drastic approach. We need to take what we can and be happy if we're not at the short end of the stick.
How to take care of your hair this winter
6 years ago
1 comment:
Congratulations! We all gain a much better uderstanding of our own topics and are aware of the complexity. You have a more pragtical and rational view on what we can do to change it into a clean energy world.
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