Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Arguments Against Global Warming

I am a stern believer of global warming. However I won't ignore the opposition. To truly understand the situation one must look at both sides and examine if their argument is convincing enough. The American Policy Round Table has posted various reasons why global warming is a hypothesis which isn't true.

They present many valid points. First they point out the fact that 31,000 American scientists have signed an online petition who denounce global warming and wants the government to reject its global warming agreement written in Kyoto. The site argues temperatures in the lower troposphere have not changed and this is supposed to be the area which would show the most changes. Surprisingly, they also argue that global warming would be good for the environment. Temperatures in 800 AD were higher than the worst case scenario for current predictions of global warming, and Vikings in this period managed to inhabit inhospitable land because of the warmth.

These are there most convincing arguments for global warming and I find their arguments to be flawed. Just because you have numbers does not mean you have power. Although 31,000 American scientists may have signed a petition the National Academy of Sciences of the G8 nations have issued declarations since 2005 that global warming is happening. The site uses the lower troposphere in its argument, however they conveniently choose to completely ignore the melting polar ice caps. Furthermore they use Vikings who lived in 800 AD to support their argument. The site even points this as one of the strongest arguments against global warming. However the increased temperatures Vikings experienced came naturally, the increased temperatures our generation is seeing is man made and we're having trouble identifying the main cause. You can choose to believe either side, but be wise in your decision. The American Policy Round Table mentions we should do nothing about the environment unless it is makes sense economically. Perhaps their thinking more about money than anything and with an issue which such dangerous potential, money should not be on your mind.


Volt-Air said...

I think you twisting the words of the American Policy Roundtable to much. In your link there is no mention of a figure of 31,000 scientist using an online petition. The APR site states that 17,000 scientists gave their opinions to a petition circulated by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.

American Blogger said...

Voltair, visit the link with the actual petitition,here it is, http://www.oism.org/pproject/, you'll see by now the number has reached 31,000 and many of these scientists have been proven to be fictional so i'm not twisting words. Also in response to your post of my previous blogpost, you're taking my words completely out of context. Yeah it's fine that Sarah Palin has great solutions for Global warming. The fact still remains she doesn't care about what's causing the problem and I don't how we can fully solve the problem without knowing what's causing it.