Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Economy

Our banks were suffering great losses, so our government has stepped in to bail them out. 250 billion dollars will be put into banks to get them out of the hole they've put themselves into. With help from the Europeans a plan has been crafted which should help us avoid going into a recession or worse a depression. The banks won't be allowed to hold the billions, they will have to use it in a way intended to stimulate the economy. In other words, the U.S. has nationalized our banks, and the banks will be slightly regulated, its a very socialistic idea for a democratic country.

Our banks are being bailed out and recent news shows they're in need of dire help. Our stock markets have been dropping at a frightening rate. The DOW is well below 10,000 points and steadily dropping. By bailing the banks out of huge losses, the government hopes to regain the strength of the stock market while also profiting from this ordeal at some point. Of course Conservatives are heavily opposed to such a bill, but we've allowed bad investments to build up to a point where the only thing that could save us was to take a socialistic point of view at our economy.

This may be off topic, but what does this mean for our war overseas. We invade foreign territories and try to bring democracy to countries overseas as if its the best form of government. However our recent failure makes you wonder if we should be telling anyone else how they should run their country.

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