Monday, October 27, 2008

The Theory

Many understand the idea of global warming and climate change, but how real is it? Countless articles have been written, documentaries have examined the issue and scientists have pushed for action, but there isn't much acknowledgment in regards to climate change so how real can it be? Those who are for it have made numerous claims, citing our melting polar ice caps, increased greenhouse gases, as well as other reasons as proof of the dilemma. However many scientists are clearly opposed to the idea of global warming and feel the temperature changes are nothing to worry about.

The topic of climate change seems like a straight forward topic, however it does attract believers and disbelievers. Although there may not be as many reasons for being for or against climate change as other controversial topics, climate change still receives much attention from two sides. For those who believe in climate change, their motivation for believing in it is pretty simple. They see that damage in the arctic regions has already begun to take place and feel we need to change our ways soon if we're ever going to reverse the effects of greenhouse gases. The drastic consequences would be detrimental to future generations if scientists are indeed correct. Extreme storms and the extinction of species in the arctic regions are only a few of the possible outcomes if trends continue.

The disbelievers of climate change are a little more complicated to understand. Their reasoning is very unclear however I have theories as to why they choose to not believe. One obvious reason is we have yet to experience many of the extreme conditions scientists are predicting will come from climate change. Until they get hard concrete evidence they will remain disbelievers. Secondly, there's evidence which points to a possibility that changing temperatures may not be as harmful as believed since this wouldn't be the first time in earth's history where temperatures were rising. Perhaps to be more skeptical though, many disbelievers choose not to believe because of how much more expensive it would be to believe. In a nation that relies heavily on fossil fuels, the changes needed to take place to reduce fossil fuel emissions would require a greater effort into the use of alternative energy. Although it could possibly be better for us in the long run, our struggling economy has no room to make such a commitment toward alternative energies that could reduce the effects of greenhouse gases.

Theoretically I feel the proper solution towards global warming would be a cap-and-trade system. It would slowly ween us off of fossil fuels and provide incentives towards researching alternative fuels. In addition there need to be tax breaks for automobiles and machinery which run on alternative energy. Only with set limitations and big incentives will we finally look away from fossil fuels which damage our environment and its a sad realization we don't put greater effort into alternative energy considering many of our providers of fossil fuels don't think too highly of us. Overall, climate change is very under discussed and politically there isn't much at stake. I feel people are too uneducated on the issue and don't understand the seriousness of the situation. People also choose to be very naive about the situation. A visit to either presidential candidates website shows various goals, including reductions of fossil fuel emmisons; Obama claims a reduction of 80% by 2050, and McCain 60%. I would be surprised if either candidate reduces emissions by 5%. For years candidates have thrown out solutions and goals towards solving global warming and each year the situation gets worse. Also, there are those who think because 2050 is so far away the candidates are setting a realistic timeline. However i feel each candidate just wants to push the issue as far back as possible because by 2050 no one will look this far back and say either of these candidates failed if the goals were not accomplished.

My solution isn't necessarily a simple one. It will force industries perhaps into harder times by capping their emissions. However i feel too much effort is being put into keeping us one of the current dominant power and more effort needs to be put in keeping us stable for the long run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a bad theory, it takes into consideration our economic situation while at the same time doesnt force industries to cut their use of fossil fuels. It just discourages them from using it.